File Analysis

iSlideCreated at:Apr 16, 2020 15:07:44Updated at:Jun 30, 2022 16:44:49

iSlide > Tools > File Analysis


You can perform a "slide/slide masters" analysis of the current presentation. It will analyze the size of all the elements in this PowerPoint file.


  1. Slides: File analysis in normal view

  2. Slide size analysis: Click on the slide number to open the drop-down file size details. The elements of each slide are base, chart, diagram, embed, image and other

  3. Refresh

  4. Overview: Collapse all the slide analysis details with a mouse click

  5. Slide masters: File analysis in Slide Master view

  6. Slide masters size analysis


Make sure you have saved your PowerPoint file, then use "File Analysis" feature to Analyze this PowerPoint file. Double click on the slide number to directly jump to the slide.
