Uniform Guides

iSlideCreated at:Apr 16, 2020 15:05:52Updated at:Jun 30, 2022 16:44:57

Add uniform guides in presentation with just one click, to standardize your slides layout. (This feature is only available on PowerPoint 2016 and later) 


iSlide > Standard Specification > Uniform Guides



The interface of "Uniform Guides"



  1. Preset Guides: The preset standard guides

  2. Title Area:

  3. Top Margin

  4. Footer Area

  5. Bottom Margin

  6. Side Margin

  7. Space Between Content

  8. Normal Guides: The guides can be moved or edited under Normal View

  9. Lock to Master: The guides that can only be edited under Master View

  10. Show Center Guides: The centrally symmetric guides displayed in the "Content Area". They forms the center of "Content Area"

  11. Add: After adjusting any value from "Title Area" to "Space Between Content", you can click "Add" to save it as a custom guides specification

  12. Remove: Delete a custom guides specification

  13. Save: After adjusting any value from "Title Area" to "Space Between Content" of a guides specification, you can click "Save" to save the changes

  14. Reset: Reset the preset guides to initial settings

  15. Reset to Presets: Delet all saved custom guides specifications with one click


Some examples of applying "Uniform Guides"



  1. Preset Guides: The preset standard guides

  2. Add, Remove, Save or Reset guides

  3. Guides mode: "Normal Guides" are editable guides; "Lock to Master" means master guides which cannot be edited under normal view. You can switch to master view to edit master guides.

  4. Title Area

  5. Top Margin

  6. Footer Area

  7. Bottom Margin

  8. Left and right sapcing: Vertical guides on both sides

  9. Space Between Content

  10. The horizental center guide displayed in the "Content Area"

  11. The vertical center guide displayed in the "Content Area"

  12. Show Center Guides: The centrally symmetric guides displayed in the "Content Area". They forms the center of "Content Area"


How to Use

Add custom guides: Set the left and right spacing, title area, top spacing, footer area, bottom spacing and spacing from the text by customizing guides



Lock to Master:

The locked guides can be directly applied to the Master View and can be moved or deleted on the first slide of the Master

The locked guides cannot be moved or deleted under Normal View



Show Center Guides VS center guides of slide

Show Center Guides: The center of design area composed of guides.

Center guides of slide: The center of whole slide


Guide specification


PowerPoint Guides, also called reference lines, are horizontal and vertical lines. Guides are specifically designed to align objects visually. You can show it by clicking View > Guides

In a new PowerPoint presentation, you can press "Alt + F9" to see two default reference lines: a horizontal and a vertical one. You can manually set the layout of the guides, according to your needs.


However, it is not so efficient. To save users time and efforts, iSlide creates "Uniform Guides". A variety of commonly used guides are listed on iSlide "Uniform Guides", allowing you to click and apply.  
