Presentation Evaluation

iSlide发表于:2020年04月16日 15:05:45更新于:2022年06月30日 16:44:57

Presentation Evaluation can detect possible problems in your current PowerPoint document with one click, and propose improvements and optimization suggestions.


Evaluation Criteria

  1. [Evaluate]: Click to evaluate your current PowerPoint file

  2. [Font specification]: When two or more fonts were used in the presentation, iSlide will suggest you to "Uniform Font"

  3. [Placeholder specification]: Detect whether the title is entered using a placeholder. If not, it will suggest you to try a standard theme by selecting from iSlide [Theme Library]

  4. [Guides specification]: Detect whether guides were used. If only two default guides (a horizontal one and a vertical one) were detected, it will prompt that "no guides layout has been enabled". Then, you are suggested to enable "Uniform Guides"

  5. [Large image]: If images larger than 1M were detected, it will prompt "large image are detectd". You are suggested to use "Compress" to compact the size of your PowerPoint file

  6. [Color specification]: If the current presentation users Microsoft default theme color, it will prompt "Theme color aren't applied properly". You are suggested to try theme color from iSlide [Color Library]

  7. [Redundant layout]: "Unused layouts are detected". You are suggested to use "Compress" to remove the unused layouts


Dynamic Evaluation

The evaluation process is dynamic. It will show the current evaluation item.


After optimize the items according to the prompts, you can click to evaluate the presentation again. All the evaluation are made based on the latest presentation.
